Safeguarding, Child Protection and other Policies
1. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
● Policy Statement: Lernovatic is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of all students who attend the tuition centre. We believe that all
children and young people have the right to be protected from harm. This policy
is in accordance with the Children Act 1989, the Children Act 2004, ‘Working
Together to Safeguard Children’ (2018), ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’
(2022), and the Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership (KSCMP)
● Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): [Name of DSL], who is also the [Position
in the Centre, e.g., Centre Manager], is the designated safeguarding lead.
[He/She] is responsible for dealing with any concerns about the welfare of a
child, liaising with external agencies, and ensuring staff are trained in
safeguarding procedures. [Name of Deputy DSL] is the deputy safeguarding lead
and will take on the DSL role in their absence.
● Reporting Procedures:
○ Identifying signs of abuse or neglect: All staff are trained to recognize
potential indicators of abuse, including:
1. Physical Abuse: Unexplained injuries (bruises, burns, fractures),
flinching when approached, aggressive behavior, wearing
inappropriate clothing to hide injuries.
2. Emotional Abuse: Withdrawal, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression,
self-harm, sudden changes in behavior, running away.
3. Sexual Abuse: Sexualized behavior, difficulty walking or sitting, pain
or itching in the genital area, sexually transmitted infections,
pregnancy, self-harm, eating disorders.
4. Neglect: Poor hygiene, constant hunger, untreated medical
conditions, frequent absences from school, stealing food, lack of
appropriate clothing for the weather.
○ Reporting concerns:
1. Any concerns about a child’s safety or well-being must be reported
immediately to the DSL.
2. Concerns will be recorded in writing on a designated safeguarding
log, including the child’s name, date of birth, address, the nature of
the concern, dates and times of any incidents, names of any
witnesses, and details of any actions taken. This log will be stored
securely and confidentially.
○ Handling disclosures from children:
1. Staff are trained to listen carefully to children, reassure them, and
record any disclosures accurately without prompting or leading
2. Staff will not promise confidentiality to a child but will explain that
they may need to share information with others to keep them safe.
3. The DSL will be informed immediately and will follow the KSCMP
procedures for reporting concerns to the appropriate authorities.
○ Responding to allegations against staff:
1. Allegations against staff will be taken seriously and investigated
thoroughly in accordance with the Local Authority Designated
Officer (LADO) procedures.
2. The LADO will be contacted within one working day of the
allegation being made.
3. We will suspend the staff member (if appropriate) and cooperate
fully with any investigation by the LADO and other agencies.
○ Working with other agencies:
1. We will cooperate fully with social services, the police, and other
relevant agencies in any child protection matter.
2. We will share information appropriately and follow agreed-upon
protocols for multi-agency working.
● Prevent Duty:
○ We are committed to preventing radicalization and extremism.
○ Staff are trained to identify potential risks, such as changes in behaviour,
expressions of extremist views, or access to extremist material.
○ Concerns will be reported to the DSL, who will liaise with the local Prevent
team and follow appropriate safeguarding procedures.
● Online Safety:
○ Online Behaviour:
1. We have clear rules for online behaviour during online tutoring
sessions, including appropriate language, respect for others, and
responsible use of technology.
2. Students are prohibited from sharing personal information, using
inappropriate language, or engaging in cyberbullying. They must
also adhere to copyright laws and not share any inappropriate
○ Monitoring:
1. Online sessions may be monitored to ensure online safety and
appropriate conduct. Parents will be informed of this and given the
option to opt out if they have concerns.
○ Education:
1. We educate students about online safety, including responsible use
of social media, identifying online risks, and protecting personal
information. We will incorporate online safety into our curriculum
and provide guidance to parents on how to support their children’s
online safety at home.
● Photography and Social Media:
○ Consent: Photographs or videos of students will only be taken with written
parental consent. The consent form will specify the purpose for which the
images will be used.
○ Responsible Use: Images will be used responsibly and solely for
educational purposes, such as displaying work on notice boards within the
center or in internal newsletters. Students will not be identified by name in
any photographs or videos shared publicly.
○ Student Conduct: We will not allow students to take photographs or videos
of others without consent.
● Visitors and Contractors:
○ Sign-in: All visitors and contractors must sign in at reception, providing
their name, contact details, and purpose of visit. They will be issued a
visitor badge.
○ Supervision: Visitors and contractors must be accompanied by a staff
member at all times while on the premises.
○ Contractor Checks: Contractors must provide evidence of relevant
qualifications, insurance, and DBS checks (if applicable) before
commencing work.
● Missing Child Procedure:
○ “If a child goes missing from the premises, staff will immediately:
1. Conduct a thorough search of the centre and surrounding area.
2. Inform the DSL and Centre Manager.
3. Contact the child’s parents/carers.
4. If the child cannot be located within 15 minutes, contact the police.”
● Physical Intervention:
○ Last Resort: Physical intervention should only be used as a last resort to
prevent a child from harming themselves or others.
○ Guidelines: Any physical intervention must be proportionate, reasonable,
and necessary. It should be used in accordance with our Physical
Intervention Policy and relevant guidance.
○ Recording: Any incident of physical intervention must be recorded in
detail, including the date, time, circumstances, and names of those
involved. The DSL and parents will be informed.
2. Health and Safety Policy
● Risk Assessments:
○ Regular Assessments: We conduct regular risk assessments to identify
and minimize potential hazards. This includes:
■ Fire Risk Assessment: Annually reviewed and updated as needed.
■ Trip Hazard Assessments: Regularly conducted, at least weekly, to
ensure walkways and learning spaces are free from obstacles.
■ Electrical Safety Checks: Annual inspections of electrical
equipment and wiring by a qualified electrician.
■ First Aid Risk Assessment: To ensure adequate first aid provision is
○ Record Keeping: All risk assessments are documented, clearly dated, and
readily available for inspection.
● Emergency Procedures: We have procedures for various emergencies:
○ First aid emergencies: Our designated first aiders are [names and
qualifications]. A first aid box is located [location] and is regularly checked
and restocked. Parents will be informed of any injuries or incidents
requiring first aid.
○ Security incidents (e.g., intruder alert): Staff will follow lockdown
procedures to ensure student safety. This includes securing all entry
points, moving students to a designated safe area away from windows,
and contacting the police.
○ Gas leaks: If a gas leak is suspected, staff will evacuate the building,
ensuring all students are accounted for, ventilate the area by opening
windows and doors, and contact the gas emergency service immediately.
○ Severe weather: We monitor weather warnings and will take appropriate
action to ensure student safety, such as postponing outdoor activities,
closing the centre if necessary, and communicating with parents.
● Medication:
○ Written Consent: Parents must provide written consent for any medication
to be administered, including the child’s name, name of medication,
dosage, method of administration, time to be administered, and any
known allergies or side effects. The consent form must be signed and
dated by the parent.
○ Secure Storage: Medication will be stored in a locked cabinet, separate
from other items, and clearly labeled with the child’s name.
○ Administration: Medication will only be administered by trained staff
members who have been provided with clear instructions by the parent.
○ Disposal: Any unused medication will be returned to the parent/carer. If
medication needs to be disposed of, it will be done so safely in
accordance with local guidelines and regulations.
● Food and Drink:
○ Water Bottles: Students are allowed to bring their own water bottles.
○ Restricted Food: No other food or drinks are permitted in the tutoring
rooms or during Maths Club sessions, except for designated break times.
○ Nut-Free Policy: We have a nut-free policy due to potential allergies.
Parents must inform us of any dietary requirements or allergies their child
may have.
● Hygiene:
○ Cleaning Schedule: All surfaces, equipment, and resources are cleaned
and sanitized regularly using appropriate cleaning products. A cleaning
schedule is in place and maintained.
○ Hand Hygiene: Hand sanitizer is available throughout the centre, and
students are encouraged to wash their hands frequently.
○ Infection Control: We follow strict hygiene protocols to prevent the spread
of infection, including increased cleaning during outbreaks of infectious
● Insurance: We maintain appropriate public liability and employer’s liability
insurance to cover our activities and ensure the safety of our students and staff.
3. Staff Recruitment and Training Policy
● Qualifications: Tutors must possess relevant qualifications (e.g., degree, teaching
qualification) and demonstrate subject matter expertise. This includes:
○ Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
○ Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
○ Bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject with evidence of recent experience
teaching or tutoring children.
● Induction: New staff members undergo a comprehensive induction program,
○ Policy Review: Thorough review of all policies and procedures, with a
focus on safeguarding, health and safety, and data protection.
○ Safeguarding Training: Comprehensive safeguarding training, including
identifying signs of abuse, reporting procedures, online safety, and
Prevent Duty awareness.
○ Health and Safety Training: Training on fire safety, first aid, and other
relevant health and safety procedures.
○ Curriculum and Teaching Methods: Introduction to the Lernovatic
curriculum, teaching methods, and assessment practices.
○ Mentorship: New staff members will be assigned a mentor to support them
during their initial period.
● Continuing Professional Development (CPD): We encourage and support staff in
their ongoing development through:
○ Regular Training: Attendance at relevant training courses and workshops
on topics such as child development, effective teaching strategies, specific
exam board requirements, and updates to safeguarding legislation and
○ Online Training: Access to online training modules for continuous learning
and development.
○ Peer Observation and Feedback: Opportunities for peer observation and
constructive feedback to enhance teaching practices.
○ Professional Resources: Access to professional journals, publications, and
online resources to stay informed about current educational research and
best practices.
○ Staff Meetings: Regular staff meetings to discuss best practices, share
ideas, and address any concerns.
4. Equality and Diversity Policy
● Equality Policy: Lernovatic is committed to promoting equality and diversity and
ensuring that all students have equal access to our services. We will:
○ Inclusive Language and Resources: Ensure our teaching materials and
communication are free from bias and stereotypes, representing diversity
and promoting inclusivity.
○ Challenge Discrimination: Address any instances of discrimination
promptly and effectively. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination
based on age, gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any
other protected characteristic.
○ Reasonable Adjustments: Provide support for students with minor learning
differences, such as dyslexia or dyscalculia, through differentiated
instruction, assistive technology, and extra time for tasks. We will work
with parents to understand and accommodate individual needs.
○ Regular Review: Regularly review our policies and practices to ensure
they are promoting equality and inclusivity.
5. Data Protection
● Data Security: We comply with GDPR in handling personal data.
○ Secure Storage: Data is stored securely in locked cabinets and on
password-protected computers with encrypted hard drives.
○ Access Control: Only authorized staff have access to student data. Access
is granted on a need-to-know basis.
○ Data Breaches: We have a data breach response plan in place to manage
any potential data breaches effectively. This includes reporting procedures
to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and notifying affected
● Data Retention: Student records will be retained for 7 years after they leave
Lernovatic, in line with legal requirements and our data retention policy. Financial
records will be retained for 6 years for tax purposes. Website visitor data will be
retained for 1 year for analytical purposes.
● Data Access Requests:
○ “Parents can request access to their child’s data by submitting a written
request to the Centre Manager. We will respond to requests within one
month and provide a copy of the data held.”
● Data Correction:
○ “Parents can request corrections to their child’s data by contacting the
Centre Manager. We will take reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of
the data we hold.”
6. Complaints Procedure
● Steps to Complain:
○ Parents can raise concerns verbally or in writing to any member of staff.
○ The complaint will be recorded and forwarded to the Centre Manager.
○ The Centre Manager will investigate the complaint and respond to the
parent within 10 working days.
○ If the parent is not satisfied with the response, they can escalate the
complaint to the Director.
● Timescales: All complaints will be acknowledged within 3 working days.
● Records: A record of all complaints, including the date received, nature of the
complaint, investigation details, and outcome, will be maintained for a minimum
of 3 years.
● Confidentiality:
○ “All complaints will be treated confidentially. Information will only be
shared with those directly involved in the investigation and resolution of
the complaint.”
● Independent Review:
○ “If a complaint cannot be resolved internally, parents have the right to seek
an independent review from [specify organization or body, e.g., a local
authority complaints service or an independent mediation service].”
7. Behaviour Management
● Positive Behaviour Policy: We promote positive behaviour through:
○ Clear Expectations: Communicating clear expectations and rules for
behavior in the centre.
○ Positive Reinforcement: Providing positive reinforcement through praise,
rewards, and recognition of achievements.
○ Positive Relationships: Building positive relationships with students based
on mutual respect and trust.
○ Consistency: Using consistent and fair approaches to managing behavior.
● Dealing with challenging behavior: We will address challenging behavior through:
○ De-escalation Techniques: Using de-escalation techniques, such as active
listening, providing choices, and offering time to calm down.
○ Positive Interventions: Employing positive interventions, such as
redirecting behavior, providing alternative activities, or offering time-outs.
○ Parental Involvement: Involving parents to discuss concerns and develop
strategies for supporting positive behavior at home and in the centre.
○ Individualized Plans: If necessary, implementing individualized behavior
plans in collaboration with parents and (if appropriate) external agencies.
● Rewards and Sanctions:
○ Rewards: Rewards for positive behavior may include verbal praise,
certificates, stickers, or small prizes.
○ Sanctions: Sanctions for inappropriate behavior may include verbal
warnings, loss of privileges, time-outs, or, in serious cases, exclusion from
the centre. Any sanctions will be applied fairly and consistently.
● Exclusion:
○ Last Resort: Exclusion will only be used as a last resort for serious
misconduct that endangers the safety or well-being of others or
significantly disrupts the learning environment.
○ Clear Procedure: We will follow a clear exclusion procedure, which
includes informing parents, conducting a review, and providing support for
the student’s reintegration.
8. Curriculum and Assessment
● Curriculum:
○ National Curriculum: We follow the National Curriculum for England as a
framework for our teaching.
○ Individual Needs: We adapt the curriculum to meet the individual needs
and learning styles of our students, providing differentiated instruction and
personalized learning plans.
● Assessment Methods: We use a variety of assessment methods to track
progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide feedback to students and
○ Baseline Assessments: Conducted at the beginning of a program to
understand each student’s starting point and identify any learning gaps.
○ Regular Progress Checks: Ongoing assessments through informal
quizzes, tests, and homework assignments to monitor progress and
provide feedback.
○ Mock Exams: Regular mock exams, especially for exam preparation
courses, to familiarize students with the format and build confidence.
○ Teacher Feedback and Observations: Regular feedback and observations
by tutors to provide personalized guidance and support.
○ End-of-Term Reports: Written reports provided to parents at the end of
each term, summarizing progress, achievements, and areas for
9. Communication with Parents
● Methods of Communication: We use a variety of methods to communicate
effectively with parents:
○ Email: Regular updates, announcements, and important information
shared via email.
○ Phone Calls: Used for urgent matters, individual concerns, or to schedule
○ Parent Evenings: Scheduled throughout the year to provide opportunities
for parents to meet with tutors, discuss their child’s progress, and ask
○ Written Reports: Detailed written reports provided at the end of each term,
outlining the student’s progress, achievements, and areas for
● Frequency: Parents receive regular updates on their child’s progress, including:
○ Termly Reports: Detailed written reports provided at the end of each term.
○ Parent-Teacher Meetings: At least one parent-teacher meeting scheduled
per year, with additional meetings as needed.
○ Ongoing Communication: Regular communication as needed via email or
phone calls to address any immediate issues or concerns.
● Accessibility:
○ “We strive to make our communication accessible to all parents. We can
provide information in different languages or formats (e.g., large print,
audio) upon request.”
● Two-way Communication:
○ “We encourage parents to actively participate in their child’s learning
journey. We welcome feedback, suggestions, and concerns at any time.
Parents can contact us via phone, email, or in person.”
10. Continuous Improvement
● Self-Evaluation: We regularly evaluate our provision to ensure we are meeting
high standards and continuously improving our services. This includes:
○ Staff Meetings: Regular staff meetings to discuss feedback, share best
practices, and identify areas for improvement.
○ Student and Parent Feedback: Gathering feedback from students and
parents through questionnaires, surveys, or informal discussions to
understand their perspectives and identify areas of satisfaction and
○ Analysis of Student Progress Data: Analyzing student progress data to
monitor the effectiveness of our teaching, identify any trends or areas
requiring attention, and inform our curriculum development.
○ Observation of Teaching and Learning: Regular observation of teaching
and learning activities to ensure quality, identify areas for professional
development, and share best practices among tutors.
● Action Planning: We use evaluation findings to identify areas for improvement
and implement changes. This may involve:
○ Updating policies and procedures.
○ Providing staff training.
○ Investing in new resources.
○ Making adjustments to the learning environment.
● External Evaluation:
○ “We will seek external evaluation and feedback to ensure we are meeting
high standards. This may include participating in accreditation schemes or
seeking feedback from independent educational consultants.”
● Policy Review:
○ “All policies and procedures will be reviewed and updated annually or
more frequently if required by changes in legislation or guidance.”
● Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):
Name: [Insert Name]
Email: [Insert Email]
Phone: [Insert Number]
● Deputy Safeguarding Lead:
Name: [Insert Name]
Email: [Insert Email]
Phone: [Insert Number]
● Local Safeguarding Authority:
Contact: [Insert Authority Name and Number]
● National Safeguarding Helplines:
○ NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
○ Childline: 0800 1111
Approval and Adoption
This policy was approved by the Director of Lernovatic Tutoring Centre UK and is
effective as of [Insert Date].
Director’s Signature:
[Director’s Name]
Lernovatic Tutoring Centre UK